Miha Krek (28 September 1897 – 18 November 1969) was a Slovenian lawyer and conservative politician. Between 1941 and 1969, he was the informal leader of the Slovenian anti-Communist emigration.
“With the onset of the Second World War, these [Intermarium] politicians were bereft of their French, British, and Polish sponsors. Gowen named three prominent prewar Intermarium leaders: Vlatko (Vladimir) Macek (Croatian Peasant Party leader and Yugoslav Vice Premier), Miha Krek (Catholic Slovene Peoples Party leader and also Yugoslav Vice Premier), and Gregorij Gafencu (Romanian Foreign Minister 1938-1941).”1
All three would become Western intelligence assets after WWII.2 3
Miha Krek lead the Central European Federal Club in Rome according to a FOIA document:
The President of the Federal Club in Rome is Miha Krek, former Yugoslav Minister, and leader of the Slovene Catholics. Among the leaders are Julius Poniatowski and Dr. Cyril Sobotta. [blacked out] Comment: According to a report from Rome, Poniatowski, former Polish Minister of Agriculture, changed his name to Onufry Zawada when he was in Rumania, prior to his arrival in the Middle East in March 1944. This report also stated that he was Vice President of the Central European Federal Club in Rome. Other information from Brussels mentioned a Prince Poniatowski, Prime Minister under Pisludski, as President of “Intermaria” (see comment at the end of report) in Rome, it has also been stated that Poniatowski was an MVD agent.4
- FOIA files pertaining to Miha Krek: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/search/site/miha%20krek.
- 1Levy, Intermarium, p. 180.
- 2Central Intelligence Agency, “Paper Mills and Fabrications”, February 1952. p. 39 & 42. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/519697e4993294098d50b909.
- 3FOIA files on Grigore Gafencu: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/search/site/gafencu
- 4FOIA document. Soviet penetration of and use of the ABN and Central European Club. October 31, 1946, https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp82-00457r000100790001-7.