Early History
The Central European Federal Club (CEFC) goes back to the Central European Federation founded in 1940 in Paris (by exile politicians?). In 1943, the organization established its headquarters in London and its name changed to Independent Central European Association. Finally it was transformed into the CEFC, which established several chapters worldwide, in Paris, Rome, Brussels1 , Chicago2 , Jerusalem and Beirut.
The steering committee of the Intermarium idea was the London-based Central European Federal Club. The Club unfortunately was also incorrectly known by the name Intermarium because it had lifted the name for its goal, Intermarium, from the shadowy pre-Second World War Polish organization. Even intelligence agents investigating contemporaneously with the group’s existence fell into the trap of vesting the Intermarium with an actual post-war existence, when in fact it was just a geopolitical concept. The original pre-Second World War organization, if in fact there had been one separate from the Promethean League, had been suppressed after the Germans marched into Warsaw and then Paris.3
A FOIA document from 1946 brings the CEFC in connection with the Anti-Bolshevic Bloc of Nations:
“9. In contact with the ABN is another organization, “The Central European Federal Club”, which has a center in Rome. There are representatives of this group in Munich. The bond between the ABN and the Central European Federal Club is not ideological but tactical, with the ABN attempting to use this organization. This will be difficult because the Ukrainian separatists (Galicians) play the predominant role in the ABN, whereas to all appearances the Poles dominate the Federal Club.
10. In Rome the goal of the Federal Club is to unify the political action of representatives of the following peoples: Albanian, Bielo-Russian, Croat, Bulgarian, Romanian, Czech, Estonian, Greek, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, Serb, Slovak, Slovene, Ukrainian, and Hungarian. The future objective of such an entente, achieved through the emigres of these national groups, is to be the creation of a Federal State (Federation of the Peoples between the Two Seas - Black and Baltic seas). From the Polish point of view, Poland should be the leader within such a Federation. This is the continuation of a Polish ideal which existed already before the last war.
11. The attitude of the leaders of the Federal Club is definitely anti-Communist. It is certain that in this activity the Poles have the support the Vatican and the leaders believe that sooner or later they will have the backing of the great Anglo-Saxon powers. The weak point of the Federal Club is its rabid Catholicism and aggressive hostility towards Orthodoxy. This gives Stalin a valuable trump card particularly in the Orthodox Balkan countries.
12. The President of the Federal Club in Rome is Miha Krek, former Yugoslav Minister, and leader of the Slovene Catholics. Among the leaders are Julius Poniatowski and Dr. Cyril Sobotta. [blacked out] Comment: According to a report from Rome, Poniatowski, former Polish Minister of Agriculture, changed his name to Onufry Zawada when he was in Rumania, prior to his arrival in the Middle East in March 1944. This report also stated that he was Vice President of the Central European Federal Club in Rome. Other information from Brussels mentioned a Prince Poniatowski, Prime Minister under Pisludski, as President of “Intermaria” (see comment at the end of report) in Rome, it has also been stated that Poniatowski was an MVD agent.
13. In addition to the Rome club there is the principal Central European Federal Club in London S.W. 7 at 16 Thurloe Street. The aim of this Club is to create a Grand Federation of Central Europe. The following nationalities adhere: Austrian, Bielo-Russian, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Hungarians, Polish, Slovak, Ukrainian and Czech. Particular attention is currently being attached to the strengthening of Bielo-Russian and Ukrainian representation within the Club. This Club also is counting on the support of the Great Powers, and is anti-Communist. The principles of national culture, Christianity, and the Great Western Civilization, are to be the foundation of this Federation.
14. Among the leaders of the London Club are Ewald I. Yakobzone (or Jacobson?), President, and Dr. Karel Locher, and Wladimir Solovy, Secretaries. ([blacked out] Comment: This group has also the support of General Prchala and former Ambassador Stefan Osusky.)
15. The Soviet authorities have been lately giving great attention to these two Clubs. The Soviet reaction for the moment is manifested by Moscow’s spotlighting of “Bielo-Russian national privileges”. [Blacked out] information, the Soviet emissaries have been ordered to “excite the territorial pretentions of the leaders of the Clubs with respect to Russia”. This falls into the general pattern of Soviet psychological and political preparation for the next war. [blacked out] Comment: From the foregoing information on the Central European Federal Club, its aims and persons involved, it would appear it is identical with or part of “Intermaria”, an international anti-Communist organization. It has been stated that the London club of Intermaria is formed of the “European Federation. Reference report, however, stated that the Duchess Catherine Atholl was President of the London Intermaria, whereas one Wald I. Yakobzone is reported herein as president. The Duchess of Atholl is also an important member of the “Ligue des Droits des Peuples” as representative of the “League for European Freedom”. ([Blacked out] Comment: It seems more than doubtful that the Duchess of Atholl, often nicknamed the “Red” Duchess should belong to an anti-communist organization.)”4
A FOIA document from 19 Marc 1951 reads:
"General PRCHALA is chairman of the "Central European Federal Club" in London and of the federalistic movement of the government-in-exile in Great Britain. He has several loose ties to personalities in the Foreign Office, although such connections are private because, according to PRCHALA, "The English government will not support basically emigrant groups from countries with which the English Government maintains diplomatic relations"."5
- 1A. T. Lane. “Europe on the Move: The Impact of Eastern Enlargement on the European Union,” LIT Verlag Münster, 2005. p. 125.
- 2Pauli Heikkilä, “Baltic Proposals for European Unification during World War II,” Research Paper, University of Tartu, Estonia, 2014. https://www.lvi.lu.lv%2Flv%2FLVIZ_2014_files%2F2.numurs%2FP_Heikila_Baltic_Proposals_LVIZ_2014_2%252891%2529.pdf.
- 3 Levy, Intermarium, p. 229.
- 4FOIA document. Soviet penetration of and use of the ABN and Central European Club. October 31, 1946, https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp82-00457r000100790001-7.
- 5https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/PRCHALA%2C%20LEV_0091.pdf