Jean-Eudes Gannat (born September 30, 1994) is a French neofascist and Catholic identitarian figurehead, who is counted among the third generation of the Groupe Union Défense (GUD), the largest violent neofascist organization in postwar France.
He has (co-)founded and led several militant neofascist groups, including Rassemblement des étudiants de droite (f. 2012), the meanwhile dissolved L’Alvarium (f. 2017), and the Chouan Movement (f. 2023).
Gannat has also appeared in the orbit of various Catholic fundamentalist far-right organizations, including SOS Chrétiens d’Orient, Manif pour tous, and Academia Christiana.
Formerly a member of the far-right Front National, in 2014 and 2015 he unsuccessfully ran as a candidate for the party.
Since 2014, Gannat has appeared in the orbit of the so-called “GUD connection,” a shady web of companies run by (former) GUD figureheads. In 2014, he worked for the gourmet food chain Carré Français of former GUD member Jildaz Mahé O’Chinal. In 2015, Gannat founded a short-lived company, Comunotec, some of whose shares were held by the holding company of the former GUD leader Frédéric Chatillon; and Gannat was also employed at Chatillon’s Riwal company.
Gannat is married since 2019, and is a father.1
Family Background
Gannat comes from a large Catholic family with nine children. His father, Pascal Gannat, has a long history in the French far right. According to Jean-Michel Decugis and others, “Before joining the Front National in 1984, he was an active member of the neo-fascist group Parti des forces nouvelles, a resurgence of Ordre nouveau, dissolved in 1974. The Parti des forces nouvelles drew part of its ideology from the writings of Dominique Venner.”2
Jean-Eudes Gannat (far right) with some of his siblings.
According to the blog Réseau Angevin Antifasciste, within Front National, Pascal Gannat “was notably chief of staff of Jean-Marie Le Pen from 1988 to 1992,” then regional councilor and leader in Pays-de-la-Loire and of the Sarthe FN section from 2015 to 2017.3 He was excluded from the party by Marine Le Pen herself when he appeared “critical of the debate on the ‘refoundation’ [“de-diabolization”] of the far-right party.”4 However, Pascal Gannat remained a member of the FN Political Bureau until a party congress in March 2018.3
The Gannat family “lived for a long time on the sole salary of their mother, a teacher in a Catholic fundamentalist school and FN activist, after their father lost his job.”2
Pascal Gannat
Jean-Eudes was enrolled in a private elementary school in Paris for a few years, but finished high school at a public school in Angers, since the family could no longer afford the costs of private education.
According to Decugis et al., Angers proved to be a fertile soil for a family like the Gannats, a town which in the recent years has become known for its flourishing Catholic fundamentalist and far-right scene:2
Observers - lawyers, journalists, educators and police officers - have identified a conjunction between several recent phenomena: political and civic opposition to both Islam and marriage for all, the growing influence of extremist religious groups within the traditional Catholic community, the existence of non-contracted primary and secondary schools following the fundamentalist trend of the long-excommunicated and recently reinstated Society of Saint Pius X,5 and a climate of unease within the universities, which are encountering the rise of violent groupuscules.
In his youth, Jean-Eudes Gannat was a member of the Catholic scout organization Scouts Unitaire de France, from which he was expelled at the age of 12, when he brought a rifle to summer camp.2 According to Decugis et al., “As a child, he listened to Jacques Bainville's Histoire de France on cassette … a monarchist and Action Française activist in the 1920s. … At the age of 14, he discovered [the Action Française ideologist Charles] Maurras in the family library. He would rather quote [the Nazi propagandist Robert] Brasillach than [the poet Robert] Desnos.”2
Gannat makes no secret about his preferred state form either being a monarchy or a dictatorship. In an interview with the far-right Breizh-Info he said:6
Personally, I've never quite recovered from discovering the Maurrassian doctrine of integral nationalism. I'm in favor of a strong, hereditary regime, but deeply decentralized, without the omnipresence of the State. Somewhere between Proudhon and Mussolini or Primo de Rivera. … I believe that if France is to become France again in the 21st century, it will need a Proudhonian fascism or a fascist monarchy. … the anti-materialist dimension, and the virile, aesthetic and vital impulse of the fascist adventure are terribly lacking in our current world … I fundamentally believe that the only “ideology” which should guide a state is Christian values.
After high school, around 2012, he briefly studied law at the University of Angers, however, dropped out after eighteen months since academia was not to his liking. At the University, he was in charge of the local Front National de la Jeunesse section, the youth wing of Front National, which had around 20 to 30 members.2
2012 - Rassemblement des étudiants de droite (RED)
Logo of the Rassemblement des étudiants de droite (RED)
During his brief stint at the Angers Law Faculty (Saint-Serge), in 2012, Gannat was one of the founders of the Rally of right-wing students (Rassemblement des étudiants de droite, RED), alongside Arthur de Vitton de Peyruis and Antoine Ormain, and others.3
An almost eponymous group, Rassemblement étudiant de droite, was founded at Assas University in 2004 after the GUD had become dormant in the early 2000s, however, dissolved in 2009.
RED was particularly active during the Manif pour tous (Rally for All, MPT) demonstrations against same-sex marriage, abortion, and the so-called “gender ideology,” and rallying for a return to the traditional family model.3 The organization is largely linked to Catholic fundamentalist groups.7 Gannat has been spotted at an MPT rally on April 16, 2013, alongside his brother Louis-Joseph, who runs an insurance company in Le Mans.3 The latter is behind an ephemeral association called Levez Vous (Rise Up), which was created around that time.
After Gannat dropped out of the university, he appeared as a member of the MPT’s security team. Subsequently, he took on a long list of odd jobs to get by, including as “waiter, mortician, bike-taxi driver, sales representative in the nearby countryside…”2
2013 - SOS Chrétiens d'Orient
In December 2013, Gannat traveled to Syria with the far-right Christian fundamentalist organization SOS Chrétiens d’Orient, which, under the pretext of providing humanitarian aid to Syrian Christians, has reportedly been supportive of the Bashar al-Assad regime.3
ca. 2014 - Carré Casa – Carré Français
Around 2014, Gannat moved to Morocco to work for Carré Casa in Casablanca, a Moroccan subsidiary of the French gourmet food chain Carré Français, close to the so-called “GUD connection.”8
The Le Carré Français chain, which as of 2015 had around 40 subsidiaries, is run by Jildaz Mahé O’Chinal, a former GUD member. Together with Alain Soral and Philippe Péninque, also a former GUD member and adviser of Marine Le Pen, Mahé O’Chinal founded Egalité et Réconciliation, known for propagating antisemitic conspiracy theories.9
According to an article in Le Monde:9
Jildaz Mahé O’Chinal is a friend of Frédéric Chatillon, whom he also knew in the GUD. Chatillon, who is close to Le Pen, is at the heart of the web of companies working for the FN during its campaigns. He has been indicted as part of the judicial investigation into the financing of the far-right party. Mahé O'Chinal is his number two at Riwal, the main branch of the “GUD business.”
Jildaz Mahé O’Chinal
According to Decugis et al., “Jildaz Mahé and Chatillon are very close to Sébastien de Boëldieu, the French spokesman for CasaPound, and the movement's president, Gianluca Iannone.”2
Jildaz’s father, the journalist and writer Patrick Mahé O’Chinal (*1947), was appointed director of Paris Match magazine in 2021,10 part of the Vivendi media conglomerate. Paris Match is one of the many media acquisitions of Vincent Bolloré—a French billionaire and media mogul close to far-right presidential candidate Éric Zemmour who has been accused of pushing the outlets he acquires to the far right.11
According to the blog Réseau Angevin Antifasciste, Gannat subsequently created a company located at premises where several former GUD members have registered their businesses, including Frédéric Chatillon, but unfortunately does not mention the name.3 At that address, 27, rue des Vignes in the 16th Arrondissement of Paris, e-Politic is located,12 so is the Jeanne microparty.13 Chatillon also hired Gannat within his communications company Riwal (no dates).3
Paul-Alexandre Martin (in the background) with Frédéric Chatillon, Julien Rochedy, Jean-Lin Lacapelle and Axel Loustau.
2014-2015 Front National
Gannat was formerly a member of Front National, for which he ran twice as a candidate in 2014 and 2015. Subsequently, he stopped being active in the party. In 2020, he claims to have maintained “good relations with some of the activists or executives” of the party, but criticized it for its “conformism.”14
2015 - Comunotec
Paul-Alexandre Martin
On July 31, 2015, Gannat co-founded the company Comunotec together with Paul-Alexandre Martin (*1990), a central figure in the web of companies that make up the “GUD connection”—a company allegedly specialized in the “development and design of security equipment.”8 Frédéric Chatillon’s holding company Groupe ERER, which owns Riwal as well as shares in Martin’s e-Politic, subsequently acquired shares in Comunotec.15
On December 5, 2016, the 22-year old Gannat was appointed president for the duration of one year, succeeding Pierre Edouard Bruyere in that role.8
According to the antifascist blog Réseau Angevin Antifasciste:15
During its short existence, Comunotec notably provided unusable video surveillance equipment to a small town [Andlau]. To establish trust, the company used non-existent references before delivering equipment that did not correspond to the specifications, pocketing a good part of the money and no longer responding to requests thereafter.
May 9 Committee
Due to his close affiliation with Chatillon and other figures in the GUD connection, Gannat has been involved in the May 9 Committee (Comité du 9 mai, C9M), mainly composed of GUD members. The C9M was founded two days after the death of Sébastien Deyzieu in May 1994. Leader of the GUD at the time, Frédéric Chatillon, and the former member of the Front National youth, Samuel Maréchal (father of Marion Maréchal), created the C9M. Its purpose was to organize the annual march that commemorates Deyzieu and other fallen comrades all over Europe.
2017-17 Nov 2021 - L’Alvarium
Logo of L'Alvarium
In 2017, Gannat founded his hitherto most successful neofascist group, called L’Alvarium, and one in a long list of third generation GUD groupuscules. The organization was registered in February 2017 under the name Nouveaux Sarments Anjou Populaire.16
The name “L’Alvarium" stems from an associated café, which opened in January 2018 on Avenue Pasteur in Angers.17 Its opening provoked several anti-fascist demonstrations and brawls. After posing a considerable nuisance to local residents, it closed in December of the same year, under pressure from the authorities and local antifascist associations,18 but L'Alvarium opened a new location shortly afterwards at 31, rue du Cornet.
The rental for the Alvarium premises were done by an “association, Nouveaux Sarments – Anjou Populaire, which … had its headquarters domiciled at Pascal Gannat in Mayenne.”3 “Since November 2018, we have taken control of the building located at 17, rue Thiers in Angers,” indicates a press release by Gannat.19
Jean-Eudes Gannat, head of Alvarium, in May 2018 in Angers. As visible from the picture, he has a Cross Patoncé tattooed on his forearm.
For a short period, Alvarium members provided accommodation in that building “for homeless people, people awaiting rehousing and young people in precarious circumstances.” However, the offer was extended to “deprived French” people only.19
The concept seems to be an imitation of Bastion Social, which in turn seems to have adopted it from CasaPound. The latter has occupied a building in Rome, and extends social services to Italians only. However, they were only able to occupy the building for three weeks, after which they were thrown out.
Banners were displayed on a building illegally occupied by members of the Alvarium in Rue Thiers in Angers.
In Angers, the group became known for incidents of violence and racist attacks which have led to several legal convictions. Thus, in 2019, the brother of Jean-Eudes Gannat, François-Aubert Gannat (*1997), was convicted of violence against a police officer and provocation of racial hatred. On the night of May 21 to 22, three Alvarium members, including François-Aubert, had beaten up several people, after a sticker was attached to the Alvarium premises. The three attackers first threw objects through the window before going down to the street for a manhunt.20
Accused of inciting racial hatred and involvement in acts of violence, it was outlawed by the government on November 27, 2021.21 Despite its formal dissolution, L'Alvarium continued its activities in 2022, notably with a tribute to Joan of Arc on February 6, 2022; with a conference headlined by Thaïs d'Escufon (former spokesperson for Generation Identitaire) at the rue Cornet venue on April 28, 2022; as well as brawls on the first of May 2022. Both, the conference and the tribute, were officially organized by the Rassemblement des étudiants de droite, whose activities have intensified ever since L’Alvarium’s dissolution.22 Also the Alvarium’s Twitter site is still active.23
2018 - Solidarité Arménie
In 2018, Jean-Eudes Gannat got involved in a project called Solidarité Arménie. According to a short description of the group on a crowdfunding website:24
The association Solidarité Arménie association was born on October 20, 2018 in Angers, from the desire of young French Christians to improve the fate of their brothers in the East. It was Jean-Eudes Gannat and Jean-Armand Komchouyan, the latter being of Armenian origin, who chose to found the association with the objective of providing physical and material assistance to precarious families in Armenia, in particular those located in the most deprived rural areas of the country.
A Facebook appeared in November 2018,25 but Solidarité Arménie was registered only in April 2020 as an association, with Gannat serving as its director, alongside the French-Armenian Jean-Armand Komchouyan.26 Shortly afterwards an eponymous website appeared.27
Jean-Eudes Gannat in Armenia in November 2020, alongside Armenian soldiers.
According to a local antifascist group, Gannat has visited Armenia on several occasions, as have other Alvarium members, such as Paul Pichon.26 For example, one can see Gannat on pictures in late 2020 in Armenia, alongside Armenian soldiers.28 Subsequently, he was invited i.a. by Academia Christiana to discuss his takes on the situation in Armenia.29
On the website, one can buy Armenian-inspired merchandise, such as a sweater sporting Saint Gregory with a machine gun.30
Logo of Solidarité Arménie
One of the items available on the Solidarité Arménie website.
2019 - Marriage
Wedding picture of Jean-Eudes Gannat and his wife in 2019.
In the summer of 2019, Gannat got married to the daughter of Pied-Noir family,31 presumably a likeminded far-right activist. Key figureheads of the French neo-Nazi scene were invited to the festivities, among them the infamous neo-Nazi Loïk Le Priol (*1994). The latter was condemned in June 2022 to four years in prison, two of which were suspended, for having tortured a former president of the GUD, Édouard Klein, in October 2015. He is also suspected of having murdered the Argentine rugby player Federico Martín Aramburú on March 19, 2022, in Paris.32
Another wedding guest and friend of Le Priol, was Julien Rochedy (b. 1988), formerly president of Front National de la Jeunesse from 2012 to 2014. In recent years, Rochedy has tried to make a name for himself as a writer and speaker at far-right events, and has published titles such as “Contemporary Nietzsche” and “Philosophy of the Right.”33 Rochedy has close ties to the core group of the GUD connection, including Frédéric Chatillon, Axel Loustau and Paul-Alexandre Martin.
Guests at Jean-Eudes Gannat’s wedding parti, including Julien Rochedy and Loïk Le Priol. Picture posted by Julien Rochedy on Instagram on July 19, 2019.
2020 - Travels to Greece for Présent and Breizh-Info
In March 2020, Gannat traveled to Lesbos, Greece, to report on the refugee crisis there, as “special envoy for Présent, the daily preferred by traditionalist Catholics [and close to the Society of Saint Pius X], and Breizh-Info, a far-right news website,” according to the Le Journal du Dimanche.34 Breizh-Info has served as mouthpiece for Gannat, as well as for other far-right projects Gannat is connected to, such as Academia Christiana.
2020 - Academia Christiana
As early as October 2020, Gannat appeared in the context of Academia Christiana (AC), a Catholic fundamentalist and Identitarian organization,35 which in late 2023 was placed on a shortlist of organizations to be banned by the French Interior Ministry.36 Until recently, Gannat was among the list of AC’s speakers and associates, but has been removed in the meantime.37
Nonetheless, the programmatic booklet of L'Alvarium by Gannat is still being offered on AC's web shop, although currently sold out.38
Gannat appeared as a speaker on a seminal AC conference on November 5, 2022, titled “Secession or Reconquest.”39 The event was co-hosted by The European Conservative, the Iliade Institute, La Nouvelle Librairie, Breizh-Info, TVLibertés, and Le Nouveau Présent Hebdo.
In November 2022, The European Conservative co-hosted an event, Academia Christiana, together with the Iliade Institute, La nouvelle Librairie,, TVLibertés, and Le Nouveau Présent Hebdo, titled "Secession or Reconquest?"
2022 - L’Alvarium book
In 2022, after the dissolution of L’Alvarium, Gannat published a book about the group called “Why the Alvarium - From Unnatural Policy to Secession” (Pourquoi l´Alvarium - D´une politique antinaturelle à la sécession). The abstract of the book reads:38
… a little over 200 years after the Catholic Army and the chouanneries, Anjou seems to have once again become a laboratory of revolt against the modern world, which has disseminated certain methods and certain ideas.
Why this secessionist fever and this community momentum at a time of liquid society? Review of the past years, pamphlet, reflections on the right and secessionism …
Cover of Jean-Eudes Gannat's L'Alvarium, distributed by Academia Christiana
2023 - Defamation sentences
In April 2023, Gannat was sentenced by the Angers criminal court. “He was found guilty of defamation of Izzet Albayrak, deputy mayor of Trélazé, and has to pay him the sum of €8,000,” according to Ouest France.40 He did not appear before the court and was judged in absentia. The sentence came after defamatory statements by Gannat in a YouTube video in 2021, after the dissolution of the Alvarium group. Ouest France cites some passages from the video, such as “The town of Trélazé is run by people who are the Trojan Horse of Islamism”; or “The associative actors are close to the Muslim Brotherhood.” Gannat also accused Albayrak of taking advantage of his status to favor Turkish companies when awarding public contracts.40
In December 2023, Yann Vallerie, the founder of Breizh-Info, another journalist of the same outlet, as well as Jean Eudes Gannat were fined €2,500 each by the court criminal Rennes for “public insult due to origin, ethnicity, nation, race or religion” and “defamation of individuals.”41 Breizh-Info had published an interview with Jean-Eudes Gannat,42 which criticized the front page of the newspaper Ouest-France by explicitly targeting the Guadeloupean origins of the journalist.43
2023 - Chouan Movement
Logo of the Chouan Movement
In April 2023, Gannat launched the so-called Movement Chouan (MC), subtitled with the slogan Tradition, Libertés, Justice.44 The movement is named after the Chouans, royalist insurgents in western France who fought against the French revolution. According to Gannat, MC wants “to wage real political guerrilla warfare.”45
There are similarities with the dissolved L’Alvarium, as is evident from the logo, also framed by a hexagon (representing a honeycomb = a symbol for monarchy); as well as the fleur-de-lys, depicting the traditional coat of arms of France from the High Middle Ages until the French Revolution, and then again in brief periods in the 19th century. This design still represents France and the House of Bourbon.
Breizh-Info reported on one of the earliest rallies, which was small but visually imposing: some MC members hung themselves from a bridge, playing dead, with posters identifying them as victims of Macron’s fiscal policies. Others swung French and various regional monarchist flags as well as color torches, while Gannat blurted out statements on the megaphone.45
Rally by the Movement Chouan in early 2023.
- 1“Législatives. Jean-Eudes Gannat (L’Alvarium) : « Elire un député imperméable aux pressions des lobbies, qu’ils soient financiers, maçonniques, LGBT ou antiracistes »,” Breizh-Info, September 5, 2020,
- 2 a b c d e f g h Jean-Michel Decugis, Pauline Guéna, and Marc Leplongeon, La poudrière (Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2021). (electronic version)
- 3 a b c d e f g h i “Famille Gannat: faire du neuf avec du vieux,” Réseau Angevin Antifasciste (blog), March 20, 2018,
- 4“Front national : un responsable régional démissionne, comme le souhaitait Marine Le Pen,” Europe 1, July 3, 2017,
- 5The authors mention two such SSPX schools in the Angers vicinity: the Sainte-Philomène school at the Avrillé monastery, on the outskirts of Angers, and Notre-Dame d'Orveau, in Nyoiseau, 47km away from Angers, “where Marine Le Pen sent one of her children to school,” and which hosted an Academia Christiana event in 2020. See: Decugis, Guéna, and Leplongeon, La poudrière; “L’école Sainte-Philomène,” Dominicains Avrillé, accessed January 4, 2024,; Pierre-Louis Augereau, “Maine-et-Loire. Les jeunes identitaires réunis au collège-lycée Notre-Dame d’Orveau à Nyoiseau,” Courrier de l’Ouest, October 15, 2020,
- 6“Jean-Eudes Gannat, auteur de Pourquoi l’Alvarium : « Quand les vieux boomers macronistes seront morts, la démographie immigrée sera telle que le salut par les urnes sera impossible » [Interview],” Breizh-Info, April 6, 2022,
- 7Samuel Laurent, “Derrière la grande illusion de la ‘Manif pour tous,’” Le Monde, March 21, 2013,
- 8 a b c “Angers : les drôles de caméras de Jean-Eudes Gannat,” Info Libertaire, October 27, 2020,
- 9 a b Philippe Ridet and Olivier Faye, “Avec le Carré français, le « GUD business » s’exporte en Italie,” Le Monde, October 8, 2015,
- 10“Le Breton Patrick Mahé nommé à la tête de Paris-Match,” Le Télégramme, October 21, 2021,
- 11Sandrine Cassini, “Vincent Bolloré s’est taillé un « ORTF privé de droite » à sa main,” Le, February 16, 2022,
- 12“27 Rue Des Vignes, 75016 Paris, France - Historique de l’entreprise,” Historique Adresses, accessed January 4, 2024,
- 13Mathias Destal, “Dans le QG secret de Marine Le Pen,” Marianne, July 4, 2014,
- 14Matthieu Suc, Marine Turchi, and Sébastian Bourdon, “Dissous, le Bastion social se reconstitue sous de nouvelles identités,” Mediapart, November 18, 2020,
- 15 a b “Blancs bonnets de l’ouest et bonnets blancs de l’ouest : ou comment ne pas séparer le charcutier du fasciste,” Réseau Angevin Antifasciste (blog), October 25, 2023,
- 16 “Annonce JOAFE N°834 de La Parution N°20170008 Du 25 Février 2017,”, accessed December 26, 2023,
- 17Josué Jean-Bart, “Angers. Pourquoi le gouvernement a-t-il décidé de dissoudre le groupuscule d’ultra-droite Alvarium,”, November 17, 2021,
- 18“Angers: Réouverture d’un Local d’extrême Droite Radicale,” France Soir, June 14, 2019,
- 19 a b Cyprien Mercier, “Angers. Violences en marge d’une action identitaire : deux gardes à vue,” Courrier de l’Ouest, September 9, 2020,
- 20“Angers : trois identitaires condamnés après une expédition punitive,” Libération, June 16, 2021,
- 21“L’Alvarium, groupuscule d’ultradroite basé à Angers, a été dissous,” Le Monde, November 17, 2021,
- 22Josué Jean-Bart, “À Angers, malgré sa dissolution, le groupuscule d’extrême-droite Alvarium joue avec le feu,”, April 29, 2022,
- 23L’Alvarium on Twitter,
- 24“Solidarité Arménie : Reconstruire l’école du village pour empêcher la disparition de l’Arménie chrétienne,” Credo Funding, accessed December 29, 2023,
- 25“About,” Solidarité Arménie on Facebook, accessed December 29, 2023,
- 26 a b Réseau Angevin AntiFasciste on Twitter, March 7, 2022,
- 27Solidarité Arménie,
- 28Maxime Macé on Twitter, November 18, 2020,
- 29“La Guerre En Arménie - Entretien Avec Jean-Eudes Gannat,” Academia Christiana on YouTube, April 20, 2021,
- 30“Boutique,” Solidarité Arménie, accessed December 29, 2023,
- 31 Jean-Michel Decugis, Pauline Guéna, and Marc Leplongeon, La poudrière (Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2021). (electronic version)
- 32Christophe-Cécil Garnier and Tomas Statius, “Loïk Le Priol, le néofasciste soupçonné du meurtre du rugbyman Federico Martín Aramburú,” StreetPress, accessed December 29, 2023,
- 33Institut ILIADE on Twitter, March 29, 2023,
- 34Thomas Statius, “RECIT. Grèce : des militants d’extrême droite à Lesbos pour ‘lutter contre l’immigration irrégulière,’” Le Journal Du Dimanche, April 20, 2020,; see also: Alvarium on Telegram, April 18, 2020,
- 35“L’Alvarium - Discussion Avec Jean-Eudes Gannat,” Academia Christiana on YouTube, 2020,
- 36“Gérald Darmanin va demander la dissolution de l’association Academia Christiana,” Le Monde, December 10, 2023,
- 37“Intervenants,” Academia Christiana, accessed September 29, 2023,
- 38 a b “Pourquoi l´Alvarium - D´une Politique Antinaturelle à La Sécession,” Academia Christiana, accessed December 28, 2023,à-la-sécession.
- 39“Jean-Eudes Gannat - Des Héros et Des Saints : Bâtir La Chrétienté Du XXIème Siècle,” Academia Christiana on YouTube, November 13, 2022,
- 40 a b Cyprien Mercier, “Reconnu coupable de diffamation, l’ex-leader du groupe identitaire l’Alvarium condamné,” Ouest France, April 24, 2023,
- 41Maël Fabre, “À Angers, trois hommes condamnés pour injures racistes envers un journaliste de Ouest-France,”, December 21, 2023,
- 42Josué Jean-Bart, “La dissolution du groupe d’ultra-droite l’Alvarium, basé à Angers, actée en conseil des ministres,”, November 17, 2021,
- 43“Trois hommes condamnés à Rennes pour injure raciste contre un journaliste guadeloupéen de Ouest-France,” Outre-mer la 1ère, December 21, 2023,
- 44Mouvement Chouan, accessed December 28, 2023,; Twitter page of the Chouan Movement,
- 45 a b “Jean-Eudes Gannat (Mouvement Chouan) après l’action sur les luttes sociales : « Notre collectif a vocation à mener une guérilla politique » [Interview],” Breizh-Info, April 2, 2023,