The Ukrainian Society for Foreign Studies (CIA-Cryptonyms: QRTERRACE, AETERRACE) was a CIA front operation located in Munich, operating in the framework of CIA project AERODYNAMIC (1949-70), later QRPLUMB (1970-1991).1 It published i.a. the monthly journal Suchasnist.
The CIA project AERODYNAMIC (formerly CARTEL, ANDROGEN, AECARTHAGE) consisted in CIA support for the Foreign Representation of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (ZP/UHVR), a Ukrainian émigré organization. ZP/UHVR's operational activity concentrated on propaganda and contact operations. In 1953, the CIA helped to establish in New York City the Prolog Research and Publishing Inc. as ZP/UHVR's publishing and research arm. Prolog, through the Ukrainian Society for Foreign Studies, published periodicals and selected books and pamphlets which sought to exploit and increase nationalist and other dissident tendencies in Soviet Ukraine.
FOIA documents attest the organization's existence as well as its expenses as of 1987.2
"QRPLUMB is a Political and Psychological Staff (PPS) activity designed to provide intellectual and moral support to Ukrainians in the Soviet Union who seek moderation of the Soviet political system. Ukrainian language literature is distributed to the Ukraine and sold in Western Europe and North America. QRPLUMB also conducts a program relating to travelers to the Ukraine to obtain intelligence and to infiltrate literature."2
Declassified Files
- Declassified CIA files mentioning Suchasnist
- Declassified CIA files mentioning AETERRACE
- Declassified CIA files mentioning QRTERRACE
- Declassified CIA-files about Project AERODYNAMIC
- Declassified CIA-files about Project QRPLUMB
- 1
- 2 a b FOIA document. "Record of Audit QRPLUMB," December 7, 1987.