Vávra Suk (born 18 March 1973 in Prague, Czechoslovakia) is the editor of the Swedish far-right newspaper Nya Tider, and has published works by Alexander Dugin.
Before his career in publishing Suk used to be a nationalist politician in Sweden. He was previously the party secretary of the National Democrats, a party which he co-founded in 2001 in a breakaway from the Sweden Democrats.1 He was the editor of the National Democrat's newspaper Nationell Idag until 2012. In late 2012, he became the editor of the newly founded Nya Tider.2
Among the frequent contributors to Nya Tider is the German far-right Russophile editor and writer Manuel Ochsenreiter.3 The last of his numerous articles is from November 2018.
Until December 2016 Suk was the registered owner of the domain freewestmedia.com,4 a pro-Russian, conservative news aggregator. Both websites Nya Tider and freewestmedia.com are using the same website layout.
Suk has also traveled to Moscow as an election observer and to Syria, reporting on the civil war with a pro-Kremlin bias. Suk had written several pieces for Konstantin Malofeev’s think tank Katehon, including one with the title “Donald Trump Can Make Europe Great Again.”5 The latest one is from January 2018.6
- 1"Gäng slog ner högerpolitiker," Aftonbladet, February 9, 2009, https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/4dEqzV/gang-slog-ner-hogerpolitiker.
- 2 Mikael Ekman, Anna-Sofia Quensel and Daniel Vergara, "Ny ordförande i Nationell Idag," Expo, February 5, 2014, https://expo.se/2014/02/ny-ordf%C3%B6rande-i-nationell-idag.
- 3"Manuel Ochsenreiter," Nya Tider, https://www.nyatider.nu/skribent/manuel/. Archived version: https://web.archive.org/web/20190811231434/https://www.nyatider.nu/skribent/manuel/.
- 4"Freewestmedia whois history," Easy Counter, https://whois.easycounter.com/freewestmedia.com. Archived version: https://archive.is/Xer8e.
- 5Vavra Suk, "Donald Trump can make Europe great again," Katehon, December 28, 2016, https://katehon.com/article/donald-trump-can-make-europe-great-again.
- 6Search results for "Vavra Suk" on the Katehon website, https://katehon.com/person/vavra-suk.