The Lithuanian Mindaugas Sidaravicius took part on the first two Intermarium Support Group Conferences in 2016 and 2017,1 and in the 1st Paneuropa Conference in 2017, all taking place in Kyiv.
"The sequence of Eastern European speeches proceeded from the north to the south, from the Baltics to Ukraine and Croatia. Mindaugas Sidaravicius (the youth wing of the Lithuanian Nationalist Union), like many other conference participants, was not in Ukraine for the first time. In 2016, on behalf of the same organization, he participated in the Inaugural conference of the Intermarium Development Assistance Group. Historically, Ukrainians and Balts have all reasons to unite against the common neo-Soviet enemy; however, both are generally believed to “have issues” with Poland. Back then, Mindaugas Sidaravicius have already remarked that his discussion with Polish nationalists at the Intermarium conference was a truly historical moment. He also interviewed the Russian Centre. At the 1st Paneuropean conference his estimation of the Lithuanian-Polish reconciliation and cooperation reached the whole new level.
This time, Mindaugas made the Polish-Lithuanian solidarity a cornerstone of his speech which also dealt with the “vacuum of power” in Lithuania. He fairly remarked that the first attempts to build the Intermarium in the 20th century failed, because the region’s countries, Poland and Lithuania in particular, did not abandon the chauvinistic attitudes. As a result, the region fell under the Soviet rule. Today, the Adriatic-Baltic-Black Sea area again experiences double pressure, if not offensive, from the East and West. Caught between Western Cultural Marxism and Eastern neo-Sovietism, the Intermarium region has no right to repeat the mistake of the past. If we want to say goodbye to Brussels and the Kremlin alike, summed up the speaker, we first of all have to renounce chauvinism."
Mindaugas Sidaravicius offered the following practical model for the Lithuanian-Polish reconciliation. As the first step, must be created a common think-tank which unites the representatives of Polish and Lithuanian sides. They would elaborate the vision of how the relations between both nations should develop in the future, the status of respective national minorities in particular. As a result of joint efforts, it would be proposed to the rest of a society in each country. Overcoming the divisions which weaken Europe and make it an easy prey for the anti-European globalist ideologies should steadily take place across all Europe. Indeed, it should be noted that Poles are eager to implement this idea, so the foundation is laid.
Finally, Mindaugas Sidaravicius remarked that he usually dislikes being referred to as a “conservative” or a “traditionalist,” because it creates an impression of our ideology’s backwardness. Refusal from chauvinism and embracing the pan-European ideal would be the best explanation for why he proudly considers his views “progressive.”"
- 1"The 2nd conference of the Intermarium Development Assistance Group," Reconquista blog on Tumblr, May 10, 2017,