The Ukrainian Andriy Voloshyn is member of the NGO "MIPU" (International Initiative to Support Ukraine), co-founder of the Ukrainian Traditionalist Club, founder of the 'archeofuturistic association' “ARFA”, and involved in the National Corps as well as in the Reconquista movement.
The next and concluding conference part consisted of the speeches by the Ukrainian delegation at the 1st Paneuropa conference. Andriy Voloshyn, representative of NGO “MIPU” (International Initiative to Support Ukraine), as a long-time member of the Ukrainian nationalist movement, co-founder of the Ukrainian Traditionalist Club and many other metapolitical Ukrainian projects, also often participates in the projects and events of National Corps and the Reconquista movement. November 12, 2015 MIPU held in Kyiv the international conference entitled “Baltic-Black Sea Forum: Historical Similarity and Modern Challenges.” Later, its head, MP Taras Osaulenko delivered a speech at the Inaugural Conference of the Intermarium Development Assistance Group on the joint resistance to methods of the information warfare employed by the Russian Federation. This time, Andriy Voloshyn, as the founder of the archeofuturistic association “ARFA” and the author of archeofuturistic poetry himself, applied the principles of this dynamic worldview to geopolitics in a speech entitled “The Archeofuturistic Integration of Baltic-Black Sea Union” (meaning potentially Adriatic-Baltic Black Sea Union).
Andriy Voloshyn’s premise was considering the Intermarium project as a fundamentally archeofuturistic one: this is the project that extends into the future and, simultaneously, is based on ancestral values and thus opposes the (neo)liberal hegemony and domination of the so-called Western world. Not incidentally, it is mostly favored by conservative, right-wing, right-centrist political parties of the region. Their inter-party and inter-state cooperation will strengthen the positions of a new paradigm in the region and the whole world in the face of imposed problems like mass migration, abstract human rights, LGBT, etc. Given the disintegration tendencies in the EU like Brexit, in the future this union may cease to exist, and Baltic-Black Sea Union will become its real alternative for Eastern Europe.
The growing popularity of the Intermarium project in Ukraine is explained by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine which showed the complete uselessness of the Budapest memorandum (securing the territorial integrity of Ukraine) and the international law in particular. Therefore, Ukrainians and other peoples of the region that feel threatened by Russia, above all, are interested in the Intermarium as a defense alliance. However, argues Andriy Voloshyn, the real locomotive of the baltic-black sea integration should be economic, because the proper investment will automatically increase cultural and political significance of the union.
The main trigger of the archeofuturistic regional development (belated due to the reasons well-described in Eric Reinert’s bestseller), according to Andriy Voloshyn, should be high technologies. Consequently, the regions’ countries should arrange the exchange of raw materials and minimize or ban their exportation. New technologies, having entered the region, should leave it only in the form of licenses, new services and products. The archeofuturistic turn in the regional economy might consist in the restoration of the old transport routes like the “route from the Varangians to Greeks,” but on condition of an optimized exploitation of space and time. In particular, archeofuturism should manifest itself in the proper organization of big spaces. Old post-Soviet buildings should give place to skyscrapers, abandoned castles should become new hotels, restaurants and residences.
However, the “archeo-” part represented by the cultural cooperation in the region must be no less elaborated. Andriy Voloshyn fairly remarks that it should begin with the information interaction, which, in turn, depends on the development of tourism and infrastructure. In its recent history, the Baltic-Black Sea region experienced a heavy foreign cultural influence. However, if the Russian (Soviet) cultural impact is declining, the grip of a Western cosmopolitan lobby, Hollywood’s in particular, is still quite strong. The growth of the annual film production by joint efforts of the Intermarium countries, accordingly, would create new jobs and facilitate cultural communication and integration of its peoples.
Andriy Voloshyn suggests the following common projects:
- Investment fund of the Baltic-Black Sea area;
- Joint Bank, with the creation of its own cryptocurrency based on the blockchain;
- Creation of MP groups promoting BBSU in Ukraine and other countries;
- Launching a multilingual tourist entertainment portal;
- Creation of a Baltic-Black Sea News Agency;
- Establishment of the Baltic Black Sea company specializing in shooting, dubbing and translating the movies;
- Elaboration of a Baltic-Black Sea social network;
- Joint cultural projects, organization of musical performances, festivals, translations and book presentations, art exhibitions, etc.
Everyone who does not wish to go with the flow and feels inspired by the archeofuturistic dream, concludes Andriy Voloshyn, can contribute to its turning to reality via diplomacy or more specialized fields.
The next Ukrainian participant, Yury Noievyi (member of the higher council of the Svoboda party), took a wider perspective – “The Right-Wing International of Europe.” Another “veteran” of the Ukrainian nationalist movement, he was the most active lobbyist of the inter-party Ukrainian nationalist alliance, which finally resulted in the National Manifesto signed by National Corps, Svoboda, Right Sector and other nationalist organizations.
As he had to leave the conference earlier, Yury Noievyi passed to the conference participants the following theses of his speech, more precisely, conditions under which the Paneuropean union can come true:
1. In spite of developed right-wing projects of the united Europe, the latter was implemented namely by liberals. It goes without saying that this implementation is inefficient, catastrophic and, basically, anti-European; however, nationalists should learn to transcend their national interests for the sake of the strong Europe preserving its traditional identities and values;
2. There is no solidary geopolitical position on the Right on the number of problematic issues, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in particular: some support the Kremlin, others support Ukrainian nationalists, the rest stay neutral. If it goes on like this, no “Europe of Nations” will ever be possible;
3. European nationalists should understand that the attack on one European nation by an external force is an attack against all and take respective measures. Otherwise, they should not be surprised that Ukrainians have to partially ally with the West which imposes on them in exchange its destructive agenda;
4. The 1st Paneuropa conference should end with signing the Paneuropean Manifesto obliging the signatories to follow a jointly determined geopolitical course.1
- 1"1st Paneuropa Conference Report," Reconquista Europe, June 15, 2017. Archived version from June 13, 2018.