Ali Alexander (born Ali Akbar in 1984 or 1985) is a convicted felon who has been a far-right grifter since the late 2000s. After briefly working for a web project propping John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign, Alexander became a vociferous supporter of the neoliberal right-wing Tea Party movement, which came to prominence following the 2008 financial crisis.
An early adept of social media, Alexander started a right-wing digital marketing and blog empire in the framework of a company called Vice and Victory, registered to his mother, a Texas lawyer. Subsequently he made a name for himself in the context of the National Bloggers' Club, a hub for rabble rousers close to the right-wing of the Republican party.
With Donald Trump acceding to the presidency, Alexander became one of his die-hard defenders, and received support from notorious figures from the right-wing orbit, such as the billionaire Robert Mercer and the "dirty trickster" and political fixer Roger Stone. In turn he disseminated obscure conspiracy theories, such as birther stories around US Vice President Kamala Harris and Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
After Trump's loss in the 2020 presidential election, Alexander became one of the most militant rabble rousers in purporting Trump's bogus voter fraud allegations. He appeared on numerous rallies nationwide, interfacing Christian fundamentalists with white nationalists and militias. For that matter he tried to give himself the semblance of a "prophet," interspersing his belligerent rally calls for militant action against the alleged voting fraud with biblical citations.
He has described himself1 2 as black, Arab, and Southern Baptist,3 presumably meaning the evangelical Southern Baptist Convention. In an archived Twitter post, Alexander specifies to be a Calvinist (Baptist),4 a form of baptism which holds the belief that faith in Christ alone is sufficient for salvation from punishment for sin (see Calvinism - Salvation), without any other requirements (such as repentance etc.).
Akbar was an early adept of Twitter, opening a now suspended account in June 2007 under the name @ali. At that time he used his birth name Ali Akbar.5
Alexander emerged in the right-wing political arena as supporter of John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign, although there are contradicting statements regarding Alexander's exact role. According to Salon, Alexander began working in politics in 2007 as a McCain staffer,6 but a Crooks and Liars article by journalist Matt Osborne, who has been following the activities of Alexander for years, identified this job description to be somewhat false:7
... Akbar was accused of discussing election fraud tactics. The accuser, Joey A. Dauben, was a former colleague. In coverage of the controversy, Akbar was frequently and mistakenly identified as a John McCain campaign staffer due to his involvement in Bloggers for McCain, a "cooperating" website independent from the campaign itself.
However, Akbar's digital support of the McCain campaign was to last only shortly, since in 2007 his crimes caught up with him. "In 2006, he stole items from a woman's home; he later broke into a vehicle, stole a debit card, and withdrew money from the victim's account, earning a felony conviction" in 2007 and 2008,5 according to aforementioned Crooks and Liars article.7 In a Breitbart Unmasked piece Osborne states that "In April 2008, Akbar pleaded guilty to the debit card fraud and was sentenced to four years probation and restitution of the stolen money."8
Ali Alexander's 2007 mugshot.
From 2009 onward, Alexander appeared in the context of the Tea Party movement, which came to prominence in the late 2000s.9 10 According to his own statements he had been involved in the DontGo campaign, and was a co-founder of the Tea Party movement, the latter being rather unlikely since the origins of the modern Tea Party (Koch brother's Citizens for a Sound Economy) certainly preceded Alexander's efforts.11 Three national conservative groups, DontGo, FreedomWorks, and the Koch brothers-funded Americans for Prosperity led the tea party movement in April 2009, according to The Atlantic magazine, which referred to DontGo as a "tech savvy" "online rapid response team."12
Alexander's exact placement within the notoriously heterogeneous movement is difficult to discern since he has a strong tendency to exaggerate his importance. Judging from a lengthy interview which expands on Alexander's Tea Party period, he seems nonetheless intimately familiar with the dynamics of the movement, and must have done quite some work in supporting digital campaigns of certain Tea Party proponents.13
The second player is Ali Alexander (Formerly Ali Abdul Razaq Akbar) but what you may not have known is that Ali has been in this game for a LONG time.
— Quarantined Life (@Real_QL) January 19, 2021
Alexander actually got his beginnings in 2007-2008 during the Tea Party movement to which he claims he co-founded.
DontGo was a neoliberal "non-profit" founded by Patrick Ruffini, a Republican Party pollster and political strategist, together with Eric Odom, an internet marketer, in August 2008.14 Having worked already for George W. Bush's 2004 web campaign,15 from 2005 to 2007 Ruffini served as eCampaign Director at the Republican National Committee (RNC).16 In 2007, Ruffini founded the Washington, D.C.-based Engage, LLC,17 a political media company which in 2014 created a spin-off, Echelon Insights, a political research and intelligence firm.18
One year later, in August 2008, Ruffini and Odom started DontGo in the context of the offshore oil drilling debate in the House of Representatives,19 which the group supported. As quickly as DontGo appeared, it seems to have disappeared, since its website was only active from 2008-2009.20 The last archived version of the DontGo website from August 24, 2009,21 announced "big changes" on the front page: "The DontGo Movement is transitioning over to the American Liberty Alliance."22
That new entity, American Liberty Alliance, in which Alexander was also involved, advertised its presumed connections to the following organizations: The Patriot Caucus, The Leadership Institute, The 912 Project, Tea Party Patriots, Surge USA, Smart Girl Politics, ResistNet, Oath Keepers, Liberty Restoration Project, and Independent Caucus.22
Screenshot from an archived version of the American Liberty Alliance website.
The American Liberty Alliance (ALA) was a pseudo-grassroots operation that advocated limitless free market capitalism. According to an archived copy of the ALA website, "The American Liberty Alliance is a national network of grassroots activists who are fighting to promote and defend the cause of individual liberty, free market principles and limited government."23 ALA oversaw a couple of other web projects, including, which defamed Obama's healthcare reform,24 as well as, which claimed to be a grassroots group within the larger Tea Party movement with a particular focus on lower taxes and tax breaks.25
The first archived copy of the ALA website identifies Ali Akbar as responsible for "Operations & Technology."26
First archived copy of the "About" page of the American Liberty Alliance.
Interestingly, on the website the contact for Tea Party events was Amy Kremer, whom Alexander would became involved with over ten years later in the context of the Stop the Steal rallies.27
Alexander also alleges in aforementioned video that he had been the "Republican liaison" for a website called "Tweet Congress," which, according to Alexander, encouraged Republicans to use Twitter as a means of digital outreach.28 The first archived copies of (and appeared in December 2008, but no available copy of the "About" page does mention Alexander.29
In April 2011, while Alexander was still on probation, his mother Lydia Dews, a Texas lawyer, registered a company called Vice and Victory Agency LLC, according to research by Medium.30 According to her LinkedIn profile, Dews was a member of the Rules Committee at the Texas Supreme Court from 2009 to 2015 before embarking on a career as a "legal and creative writer" in 2013.31
Alexander states on his LinkedIn page that he was "Vice President of Digital Strategy" at Vice and Victory (V&V) from January 2011 onward.32 He immediately embarked on building up V&V, set out as a digital communications and political advocacy group, as the superstructure for his emerging blog empire that he ran from his mother's house.8 33
Vice and Victory was originally registered to a woman whom Ali Alexander identified as his mother in a 2015 Facebook post. (Source: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts)
According to research by Medium/DFRLab30 :
Using DomainTools, the DFRLab found that Alexander’s own Vice and Victory email address ( and another company email address ( appeared in the domain registration data in a combined 190 websites at the time of publication, many of which are no longer active. The company’s Instagram profile is followed by just eight accounts, three of which appear to belong to Alexander and one of which is that of wealthy businessman and Republican Party donor Sean McCutcheon.
In November 2011, Lydia Dews registered a second limited company, Pundit Syndication LLC, presumably for her son, which was forfeited in February 2013 because of failing to declare and pay franchise tax.34
Alexander's LinkedIn account states him being V&V's CEO from February 2012 onward, and he is also mentioned holding that position on V&V's Facebook page.35 In an online business directory, John Dennis Pedrie and Aaron Marks are listed as managing members of V&V, besides Alexander.36
In February 2012, Alexander was among those present at the annual "Blog Bash," a party for right-wing bloggers in the context of the annual conservative key event, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). In a video of the 2012 Blog Bash, whose prominent face Alexander would became in the following years, he can be seen together with Breitbart founder Andrew Breitbart.37
As I said, Ali Alexander used to be huge in the conservative blog circles in the early 2010s and made many powerful friends, including Andrew Breitbart.
— Quarantined Life (@Real_QL) January 19, 2021
In fact, here's a video of him and Andrew Breitnbreit from 2012.
Alexander's probation ended in May 2012. Shortly thereafter Alexander created and became the CEO of an organization called the National Bloggers' Club (NBC) that was allegedly tied to "shady data collection operations," according to a Medium article.30 Although he described NBC as a non-profit online he never registered the group with the Internal Revenue Service.5 38 The (now defunct) Examiner had dug into the network around Vice and Victory and the National Bloggers' Club at the time.33
A 2012 chart published in the Examiner that shows some of the key figures around Vice and Victory and the National Bloggers' Club.
According to Matt Osborne8 :
In 2012, Dan Backer’s Conservative Action Fund gave Akbar’s Vice & Victory Agency $44,000, and billionaire Foster Friess also sponsored V&V to the tune of $25,000 at startup ... we do know that V&V was still involved with Akbar’s BlogBash party at CPAC in March ... and that Akbar continued accepting donations even though V&V was no longer his company.
From left to right: Ali Alexander, Foster Friess and Robert Stacy McCain at CPAC 2012.
In the 2013 edition of the "Blog Bash" event at CPAC, Alexander met Ted Cruz, among others.39
Here's a clip from 2013 featuring Ted Cruz and Ali Alexander.
— Quarantined Life (@Real_QL) January 19, 2021
Try and say you don't know Ali Alexander now Ted.
In February 2013, the state of Texas issued a forfeiture order to Vice and Victory LLC.
Vice & Victory Forefeiture by Breitbart Unmasked
According to Matt Osborne, in October 2013, the National Bloggers' Club lost its right to transact business, which did not deter Alexander from continuing to raise funds.8
According to The New Yorker, "Alexander was a participant in Groundswell, a secretive, invitation-only network that, among other things, coordinated with hard-right congressional aides, journalists, and pressure groups to launch attacks against Obama and against less conservative Republicans."40 The group emerged in early 2013 when it started to gather at weekly meetings in Washington and began networking online. Several key Groundswell participants had a background in the Tea Party, which by then had largely flopped. Generally, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is identified as Groundswell's founder, a Tea Party gone MAGA activist, while the support of Steve Bannon is also frequently quoted.41 According to emails leaked to Mother Jones in 2013, the group had announced "a 30 front war seeking to fundamentally transform the nation"42 by such goals as repealing the Affordable Care Act, working behind the scenes to enact voter ID laws, and blocking Obama administration nominees.42 Furthermore, the platform was used "to exchange and amplify hard-line positions on immigration, abortion and gun control," as The New York Times reported.41
Ali Alexander claims to have met Donald Trump in 2014.
Ali Alexander claims to have met Donald Trump in 2014. When he posted a picture of them together on Facebook in June 2016, he claimed to have spent 45 minutes alone with Trump in a room at the time. The image description reads: "I think he destroyed my party and I hate the campaign he is running, but I'll gladly choose him over Hillary Clinton and the violent leftist mob."43
Ali Alexander with colleagues from the National Bloggers' Club.
In February 2014, the National Bloggers' Club held a convention, in which it nominated various right-wing personalities and blogs. An archived version of the website provides an insight into the various organizations backing some of the bloggers nominated.44
National Bloggers' Club Awards Nominees of 2014.
A few days following the National Bloggers' Club convention, the state of Texas revoked Alexander's business license "over nonpayment of franchise taxes," according to Matt Osborne.8
NBC Forfeited by Breitbart Unmasked
This did not deter Alexander from organizing a "Blog Bash" (National Bloggers' Club) party in the context of the annual right-wing CPAC conference, which took place from March 6-8, 2014. Matt Osborne states8 :
According to the state of Texas, the National Bloggers Club did not belong to Akbar while it was fundraising for the 2014 CPAC Blog Bash party at the organization’s page. Held last night, and hosted by Akbar associate Bill Murphy, the party featured Texas Governor Rick Perry and Tea Party Patriots President Jenny Beth Martin, also of Texas.
In 2014, Alexander "re-entered the political sphere in 2014, with a hybrid PAC called the Black Conservatives Fund, which took in $150,000 from right-wing financier Robert Mercer," according to an article by Salon.45 The Black Conservatives Fund was described by Lamar White as a "mysterious" political action committee that "appear[ed] to have largely been a proxy for former Louisiana state Sen. Elbert Guillory."46
In 2015, Alexander worked as the digital director for Republican Jay Dardenne's Louisiana gubernatorial campaign.46 Around the time of the 2016 United States presidential election, Alexander was affiliated with a political action committee to which Robert Mercer donated $60,000.47 Alexander also helped to create a right-wing website titled Culttture.38
V&V seems to have propped young political operatives, such as CJ Pearson in 2015. That year, Jonah Mumphrey joined V&V as Director of Political Strategy.48
In 2015 Jonah Mumphrey joined Vice and Victory as Director of Political Strategy.
2015 ad for CJ Pearson by Vice and Victory.
In January 2016, Alexander spent some time in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, as evident from several pictures posted on the Vice and Victory Facebook page,49 presumably together with Robyn Stiles.50
According to a Right Wing Watch article with references 51
... to a 2018 Politico report, the night before the 2016 election, a PAC advised by Alexander received a $60,000 donation from hedge-fund billionaire Robert Mercer, the pro-Trump billionaire. Alexander has associated with far-right figures including Unite the Right white supremacist attendee Matt Colligan, and made a habit of noting when members of the media he criticizes are Jewish, according to The Observer.
Vice and Victory posted a video in February 2017 that shows Alexander together with data scientist Robyn Stiles, revealing that they have been working together on digital outreach strategies.52 The video description said:
Earlier this week, CEO Ali A. Akbar and data scientist Robyn Stiles spoke on the key benefits of a collaborative relationship between the political practitioner and scientist in political experiments.
On October 17, 2017, Alexander appeared on the video livestream "Wintrich Report," hosted by the Gateway Pundit's White House reporter Lucian Wintrich.53 Featured on the show was also Matt Colligan, better known in the alt-right for his moniker “Millennial Matt,” where he displayed the Nazi battle flag (Reichskriegsflagge). Colligan was a participant in the tiki-torch marches in Charlottesville preceding the Unite the Right rally on August 12, 2017, which became the scene of the Charlottesville terror attack. A neo-Nazi, James Fields, deliberately drove his car into a crowd of people who had been peacefully protesting, leading to the death of Heather Heyer.54
Although Wintrich and Alexander identify themselves as members of the New Right, whereas Colligan is openly neo-Nazi, the three converged on many platforms, despite having announced the conversation as an effort to distinguish the two currents. According to an article on Right Wing Watch53 :
But in this supposed effort to draw a hard line between the two movements, Akbar, Wintrich and Colligan identified a number of shared beliefs, including that white men have been caricatured as evil by “white fat bitches,” according to Akbar, in the media.
Lucian Wintrich (left) and Ali Alexander (top right) with Matt Colligan (bottom right) on the "Wintrich Report" in October 2017.
On November 12, 2017,55 Ali Alexander introduced Roger Stone at the Young Republican meeting held at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort. Alexander himself is introduced as the "Chairman of the Louisiana Young Republican Federation."56
— Quarantined Life (@Real_QL) January 17, 2021
Ali Alexander introduced Roger Stone at the Young Republican 2017 meeting held at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Largo.
There is a picture, most likely from 2017, during Steve Bannon's one-month stint at SiriusXM radio, where Alexander can be seen together with Steve Bannon. [How Alexander links into Bannon's orbit see our article Bannon’s Boys: How a Band of Grifters Is Trying to Destroy What Is Left of American Democracy]
Ali Alexander and Steve Bannon at the SiriusXM radio station.
On February 15, 2018, the far-right Breitbart News reported that Ali Alexander "met with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey this week to discuss the future of conservatives on the social media platform."57 In the article Alexander claims:
"The CEO of Twitter and Square, Jack Dorsey, and I have been talking for the past several months,” declared Akbar in a statement. “I personally like him, but that matters less than the talks we’re having about a shared future where people with different beliefs can exist on the same platform. This is experimental. This is new. We have a goal for an outcome but we have to find a way there." "Twitter should belong to everyone. Cohabitation will require new methods from all of us,” he continued, adding, “I appreciate @Jack listening to some of my concerns affecting conservatives on the most important communications platform in the world, Twitter." "In a separate post on Twitter, Akbar added, “We are going to continue this conversation over the next months, even years.”
Whether any of these claims are true, and Alexander really had an ongoing conversation with Jack Dorsey is hard to tell, given that neither Breitbart News nor Alexander are particulary trustworthy sources.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey with Ali Alexander (date unknown).
In February 2019, Alexander arranged for himself and two fellow conspiracy theorists, Jacob Wohl and Laura Loomer, to travel to Minneapolis, Minnesota. The trio filmed an online documentary about their trip, called Importing Ilhan, in which they investigated the debunked conspiracy theory that Ilhan Omar, U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district and a Somali-American, had married her brother to grant him U.S. citizenship.58 During the trip, Alexander accompanied Wohl to a police station, where Wohl filed a police report in which he claimed he and his companions had been receiving "terroristic threats" on Twitter. Later reports indicated the threats appeared to have been falsified by Wohl himself, and Alexander publicly distanced himself from Wohl.59
In July 2019, Alexander was invited to Trump's "Social Media Summit," bringing together a notorious cast of "far-right provocateurs," as well as several lawmakers, including, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.).60
In August 2019, Alexander earned media attention for what The Washington Post said had been described as a "birther-like" campaign against then-Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. That month, he tweeted Harris was "not an American Black", further claiming that "I'm so sick of people robbing American Blacks (like myself) of our history. It's disgusting."61 The New York Times wrote that in the tweet, Alexander had "falsely claimed Senator Kamala Harris was not black enough to be discussing the plight of black Americans." Donald Trump Jr. retweeted the claim, then deleted it.62
In the end of 2019, Alexander chose orange as his signature color, according to the Daily Beast63 :
... claiming God had given him a message that the color had special significance for 2020. “God gave me the color orange in December 2019,” Alexander tweeted on Election Day. “He told me ‘orange would be the color of 2020.’ I've come to learn it means GOD'S POWER.”
In January 2020 there emerged a picture of Kanye West together with Ali Alexander.64 It was previously reported that the famous rapper and producer, known for his endorsement of Trump, had shared various posts of Alexander on social media.3
Kanye at Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill in Agoura Hills on Wednesday.
— TeamKanyeDaily (@TeamKanyeDaily) January 12, 2020
(via IG/gc.zap)
That month the far-right website Culttture reported "Ali Alexander has launched a video course on persuasion and influence,"65 totaling 41 videos which could be unlocked for $199 on Alexander's now defunct website.66
Here's a SNEAK PEEK at @ali's upcoming video course, "A Primer to Persuasion and Influence"
— TIGΞR (@thetigerjoseph) January 2, 2020
- Chapter 1: What is Persuasion? -
When Donald Trump started to contest the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential elections, Alexander started to work for Roger Stone's Stop The Steal campaign that Stone had launched in 2016, but repurposed in 2020, according to a CNN report.67 When Stop The Steal emerged in 2016, it was destined to discredit Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. According to a Rolling Stone article68 :
the Pennsylvania Democratic Party alleged in an October 2016 lawsuit that Stop the Steal, a group affiliated with Stone, had amplified unfounded claims of a “rigged” election, while Stone himself sought to mislead Democratic voters by tweeting that Clinton supporters could “VOTE the NEW way on Tues. Nov 8th” by texting “HILLARY to 8888.” (The Pennsylvania Democratic Party dropped the suit the day after the election.)
The same year Stone founded another murky entity together with Erik Prince, the Committee for American Sovereignty. According to an article in the Daily Beast “The Committee for American Sovereignty and a sister nonprofit group were set up in 2016 as vehicles for prominent pro-Trump operatives to attempt to suppress the Black vote by amplifying baseless claims that Bill Clinton had a biracial son.”69
In the context of the 2020 voter fraud conspiracy, Stop The Steal worked closely together with Women for America First, an entity Roger Stone's ex-wife Ann Stone had co-founded in 2016 together with Tea Party power horse Amy Kremer as well as Kathryn Serkes, who has been running with Kremer the Doctor Patient Medical Association, a fraudulent pseudo-medical group, downplaying the coronavirus and propping false claims about the efficiency of the malaria prevention drug (hydroxy)chloroquine against COVID-19.
Ali Alexander and Roger Stone.
Women for America First, with the help of the digital agency Liberty Lab, run by Scott Graves, was also involved in setting up a "Stop The Steal" Facebook page as well as a website ( The Stop the Steal Facebook page, which had gained 100000s of followers within days, has been shut down in the meantime by Facebook. While it was still online, two of its moderators were the former Breitbart employees and Steve Bannon affiliates, Dustin Stockton and Jennifer Lawrence.71
As of November 2020, Alexander lived in Texas.46
Following the November 2020 presidential election, Vice and Victory, of which Alexander still claims to be the CEO, set up a website called
First archived copy of from November 4, 2020.
Archived copy of the website.
Archived website copies identify some of the key players that helped contest the election results on state level, including Paul Gosar, Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec, Scott Presler, Amy & Kylie Kremer, CJ Pearson, Daniel Bostic, Ed Martin, Megan Barth, Courtney Holland, Michael Coudrey, Shemeka Michelle, Brandon Straka, Ashley StClair, Alex Bruesewitz, Chandler Crump, Jake W. Little, and others.
The "Donate" button on the top right of the archived site redirects users to, Alexander’s personal donation website,75 suggesting that Alexander must have majorly cashed in on the grift.
On November 14, 2020, Stop The Steal, Women for America First, and other key operations in Trump's election fraud conspiracy, rolled out what is believed to be the trial run of the January 6, 2020, insurrection, the "Million MAGA March" in Washington DC. The Trump mouthpiece and Falun Gong-affiliated Epoch Times reported76 :
Before the rally, several prominent Trump supporters and conservative leaders, including Republicans Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas and Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia, gave speeches to the supporters at Freedom Plaza, calling for fair elections and transparent counting. Mike Lindell, founder of My Pillow; Ali Alexander, one of the organizers of the rally; and Ryan Fournier, founder and co-chairman of Students for Trump, were among the speakers.
1st Amendment Praetorian provided security services to the “Million MAGA March” on November 14, 2020, including to Ali Alexander.77 1AP's leader Robert Patrick Lewis had described his coordination with Alexander as "tight at the hip."78
On November 18, 2020, Ali Alexander appeared on a rally at Atlanta's Capitol building in Georgia, which was co-organized by far-right conspiracy pundit Alex Jones. In attendance were also other instigators, such as white supremacist Nick Fuentes (Groypers, Unite the Right) and far-right militia leader Enrique Tarrio (Proud Boys).
Ali Alexander ("Jesus is King" shirt) with Nick Fuentes on November 18, 2020, in Atlanta, Georgia.
Alexander and Jones arrived in a military grade armored vehicles, barking rally calls out of the top hatch with their megaphones. A video shows how protestors were basically free to enter the Atlanta Capitol building, where they could perform their media stunt, perpetuating Trump's bogus voter fraud claims.
A follow-up rally against election results at Georgia's Capitol took place on November 21, 2020, which was to be attended by Women for America first, but WFA called off their support shortly before, likely not to be directly associated with right-wing extremists. When WFA dropped their official endorsement, citing a lack of permits, Alexander denounced them:
— Atlanta Antifascists (@afainatl) November 21, 2020
Grudges were held only shortly or were just for show, since Women for America First and Stop the Steal continue to be intrinsically tied together. On November 29, 2020, Alexander posted a picture together with Roger Stone at the latter's "batcave."79
Ali Alexander and Roger Stone. Picture posted on November 29, 2020.
On December 2, 2020, Alexander appeared at a "press conference" held by attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, in Georgia, both key operatives in the legal charade also known as "Kraken," the unsuccessful attempt of contesting the election result with a series fraudulent law suits in various US states.
You've all seen the Stop the Steal clip by now with Ali Alexander.
— Quarantined Life (@Real_QL) January 19, 2021
But what you might not have known is that the person standing next to Ali Alexander on stage with Sidney Powell & Lin Wood is a young republican by the name of:
CJ Pearson
But we'll get back to him soon.
Ad for the "press conference" by Sidney Powell and Lin Wood.
On December 19, 2020, Ali Alexander appeared at a rally at Arizona's state Capitol. Although Ali reminded the crowd that they would not be violent "yet," he spoke about his plans for the upcoming Washington DC march in January5 :
We’re going to convince them to not certify the vote on January 6 by marching hundreds of thousands, if not millions of patriots, to sit their butts in D.C. and close that city down, right?
Alexander alleges in a December 2020 video that it was him together with Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks and Any Biggs, who came up with the idea of the January 6, 2021, rally in Washington DC, which ended in the storming of the Capitol by Trump supporters.
Did #AZ04 Congressman Paul Gosar want a civil war?
— Prescott Indivisible (@IndivisPrescott) January 12, 2021
New video "Sedition Must Be Punished" from @PushpinThirdeye. Without consequences it will get worse, it’s time to #RemovePaulGosar.
Alexander tweeted on December 7, 2020, that he would "give [his] life for this fight," a post that was controversially retweeted by the Arizona Republican Party on December 8, 2020, with the addition, "He is. Are you?"80
Starting in mid-December 2020, Alexander started to be heavily featured on the Falun Gong-related (New Tang Dynasty) NTD TV.81
Search results for "Ali Alexander" on the NTD website.
ProPublica identified a December 23, 2020, Parler post of Alexander's, in which he wrote "If D.C. escalates... so do we," as "one of scores of social media posts welcoming violence" before the attack.82
On December 26, 2020, Alexander posted a picture on Twitter with a list of endorsed Republican senators and senatorial candidates, while standing in front of a framed copy of the 1776 Declaration of Independence.83
Ali Alexander with a list of endorsed Republican senators.
The Daily Beast observed that "Alexander led a host of activists in ratcheting up the rhetoric" before the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the Capitol in Washington DC by far-right extremists, and that Alexander's posts "grew more menacing" as the date approached.63
On the eve of January 6, Alexander appeared at a rally organized by Moms for America in front of the U.S. Capitol.84 In his speech, Alexander pointed at the imminence of "fighting clear-cut Communists" and the plan ahead to make the Capitol "Fort Trump"85 :
I was there for the beginning of the Tea Party movement—and I think this is bigger, better, and badder. I just want to echo what Rose [Tennent of Moms for America] said. Benjamin Franklin said we were given a republic “if we can keep it,” and I think that we have a rendezvous with destiny. A lot of us have been thinking, “Okay, this is thirty years in the future, it’s fifty years in the future, it’s a hundred years in the future… we’ll be fighting clear-cut Communists. It’s now. And it’s super inconvenient: it’s winter, it’s cold, they tried to steal our election, all the media is against us. They even have conned conservative media into cooperating with them. We must rebel. I’m not even sure if I’m going to leave D.C. We might make this “Fort Trump,” right? Who has the president’s back? We’re going to keep fighting for you, Mr. President.
According to Ali Alexander, on January 5, 2021, he spoke to Kimberly Guilfoyle by phone, at a time when Guilfoyle was reportedly at a “war council” at the Trump International Hotel in DC, attended by over 20 key people from Trump's entourage.86
Kimberly Guilfoyle gave #AliAlexander the go-ahead. And indeed, Alexander was escorted by White House emissaries to a place just outside the rally to lead the march — which he did.
— Greg Palast (@Greg_Palast) February 12, 2021
On January 6, the morning rallies outside the Capitol building preceded the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol.87 The Guardian named Alexander as among the people active in inciting the crowd outside the Capitol that day, leading chants of "Victory or death."88 At 4:30 p.m. on January 6, approximately two hours after rioters entered the Capitol building, Alexander posted a video of himself looking out on a crowd outside the Capitol, in which he said, "I don't disavow this. I do not denounce this."63
Following the storm on the Capitol, it was revealed that an undercover reporter, Zach D. Roberts, had infiltrated the inner circle of Alexander. Roberts, who started working for Alexander, received instructions from Daniel George of the Republican Senate Committee.
Our photojournalist, @ZDRoberts, who’d been tracking Ali Alexander’s pitch for mayhem across the nation, signed up undercover to work with Ali — and was surprised to receive instructions from Daniel George of the Republican Senate Committee. #DCRIOTS
— Greg Palast (@Greg_Palast) January 8, 2021
The Daily Beast reported that Alexander had gone into hiding after the attack, and had taken down the website promoting his rally.63 Apparently Alexander has a bitcoin fortune of unknown provenance at his disposal to keep him afloat.
Ali Alexander: Maybe if I just keep transferring it to different wallets it will hide my crime and be hard to follow.
— B̤̿it̺̕B͓̚ur͍̒neȑ? k33p !7 m0v!n (@bitburner) January 16, 2021
Although Alexander pretended he did not endorse what had happened,89 and that he wished people had not entered, or even approached, the Capitol building,90 according to Reuters, he had continued to post "violent rhetoric" online following the attack91 :
On Sunday night, in a new Internet video, he vowed: “We are going to punish the traitors,” referring to Republican politicians who endorsed Biden’s electoral victory. “The Lord says vengeance is his, and I pray I am the tool to stab these motherf---ers.”
Twitter banned Alexander's personal account and a Stop the Steal account on January 10, 2021. Alexander was also banned from PayPal, Venmo, and Patreon following the riot, and permanently banned from Facebook and Instagram.92 After the social media purge, Stop The Steal supporters quickly moved on to platforms less prone to censorship, such as MeWe, to keep on plotting "to burn the government to the ground" and "kill every lib democrat."
Posts in the Stop the Steal Atlanta group on MeWe following the failed storm on the Capitol on January 6, 2021.
On January 12, 2021, a video appeared on the YouTube channel Church Militant, in which Alexander explains that he has been transitioning from Protestantism to Catholicism during the Corona pandemic. He says that during the lock-down he has studied church history in more detail, but ultimately his encounter with Fatima (i.e. the Catholic fundamentalist Fatima cult) led him to Catholicism.93
Alexander keeps on streaming from his hideout. According to a recent video, he wants to build a megacity for disgruntled MAGA maniacs in South America in which they should invest. He also announced new rallies starting in March 2021.94
Ali Alexander says the free press should be abolished. He plans to build a MAGA Mega city for 10 million people. He'll hold rallies again in march and "alot of people will end up rioting."
— Jared Pushner (@JaredPushner) February 11, 2021
As of June 2021, Alexander keeps his fan base up to date via his Telegram profile.95 A post from June 12, 2021, indicates that he returned to Fort Worth, Texas, which he calls his hometown.96
Telegram post by Ali Alexander from June 12, 2021.
Alexander's Telegram profile links to a new Stop The Steal website (, on which he keeps on soliciting donations, and runs petitions to "Impeach and Remove Biden" and to "Ban Dominion Voting Machines."
When in September 2021 Anonymous leaked the client data of the web provider and anonymization service EPIK, which has been used by many right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis to cover their identity, more details emerged about Alexander's web empire. The Daily Dot reported that it "was able to link an email tied to Alexander to 122 separate domains."97 Several of them were already known, but the Daily Dot could identify new ones97 :
Numerous domains ... make reference to Alexander’s religious beliefs, including,, and
But aside from a handful of sites linked to politicians, such as and, the significant portion of domains owned by Alexander were tied to the Stop the Steal movement. The Daily Dot was able to obtain a list of 57 such domains.
All were anonymized in the wake of the Capitol riot.
Domains related to "Stop The Steal" which were registered by Ali Alexander.
On October 7, 2021, the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the Capitol subpoenaed Alexander.98 The Committee also subpoenaed Nathan Martin, whose contact was listed in the application for “One Nation Under God” rally on January 6, as well as Stop The Steal LLC.
Subpoena delivered to Ali Alexander by the January 6 Committee on October 7, 2021
On November 27, 2021, Alexander posted a video on his Telegram channel announcing that he will comply with the subpoena delivered by the January 6 Committee. He stated, "The only reason I'm going is that I don't want to go to jail."99
Contrary to others subpoenaed by the January 6 Committee, Alexander has not plead the 5th Amendment, and on December 9, 2021, he attended a closed-door hearing that reportedly lasted eight hours.100 A draft of his opening statement was leaked to the New York Times, in which Alexander denied having anything to “do with any violence or lawbreaking that happened on January 6.”101
Ali Alexander's opening statement before the January 6 Committee leaked to the New York Times.
The Daily Beast reported that Alexander was also served with a civil lawsuit related to Jan. 6 when he left the building after the hearing.102
Jan 6th organizer Ali Alexander was just served with a civil lawsuit.
— Zachary Petrizzo (@ZTPetrizzo) December 9, 2021
- 1Archived copy of Ali Alexander's Patreon account,
- 2In an interview with a far-right Muslim blog, Becoming The Alpha Muslim, Alexander is identified as a "Southern Baptist Christian. "Nabeel Azeez, "Who are the Alt-Right, Really? (Special Guest – @Ali)," Becoming The Alpha Muslim,
- 3 a b Andrea Park, "Conservatives Kanye West follows: Who's on the list?" CBS News, May 2, 2018,
- 4Archived Twitter post by @ali, September 25, 2020,
- 5 a b c d Will Sommer, "‘Stop the Steal’ Organizer in Hiding After Denying Blame for Riot," Daily Beast, January 10, 2020,
- 6Roger Sollenberger, "Right-wing trolls launch Stop the Steal PAC to cash in on election lies," Salon, November 18, 2020,
- 7 a b Matt Osborne, "The National Bloggers Club And Their Super PAC Friend," Crooks and Liars, September 12, 2012,
- 8 a b c d e f Matt Osborne, "Texas Shuts Down The National Bloggers Club," Breitbart Unmasked, March 7, 2014,
- 9David Richardson, "Robert Mercer Bankrolled PAC Advised By Notorious Fringe ‘Philosopher’ Ali Alexander," Observer, October 10, 2018,
- 10Twitter search results for @ali and "tea party" until Januay 1, 2010, "tea party" until%3A2009-01-01&src=typed_query&f=live.
- 11Twitter post by Quarantined Life on January 19, 2021,
- 12Chris Good, "The Tea Party Movement: Who's In Charge?” The Atlantic, April 14, 2019,
- 13"Ali Alexander Talks About The Petrodollar, The Tea Party, McCain, Covington Kids & More!," Make America Debate Again (Podcast), 2019,
- 14"Conservative online activists launch '#dont Go' Web site," CNN, August 5, 2008,
- 15"Rising Stars 2008," Politics Magazine,
- 16Reihan Salam, "Planting the Rightroots," The Atlantic, October 2008,
- 17"About Engage," Engage,
- 18McKay Coppins, "New Firm Aims To Fix The Chronic Republican Problem Of Bad Polling," BuzzFeed News, June 18, 2014,
- 19Chris Good, "The Tea Party Movement: Who's In Charge?," The Atlantic, April 14, 2009,
- 20Archived copy of,
- 21Archived version of the DontGo website from August 24, 2009,
- 22 a b Archived version of from January 4, 2010,
- 23"About", American Liberty Alliance, archived copy from January 4, 2010,
- 24Healthcare Horcerace, archived copy from July 30, 2009,
- 25Alex Brant-Zawadzki, "Anatomy of the Tea Party Movement: American Liberty Alliance," Huffington Post, March 18, 2010,
- 26"About the American Liberty Alliance," American Liberty Alliance, archived copy from July 19, 2009,
- 27"About," Tax Day Tea Party, archived copy from March 4, 2009,
- 28Twitter post by Quarantined Life, January 19, 2021,
- 29Archived copies of the "About" page on,
- 30 a b c "#StopTheSteal protest website tied to extremist-linked activist’s digital marketing firm," Medium, December 3, 2020,
- 31Lydia Dews on LinkedIn,
- 32LinkedIn profile of Ali Akbar, Archived version:
- 33 a b "Ali Akbar: Running a Republican empire from Mommy's basement?," Examiner, July 10, 2012,
- 34"Pundit Syndication LLC," Taxpayers ID# 32045509331, Texas Comptroller of Public Comptroller,
- 35"Ali Akbar and Robyn Stiles on Political Experiments and Collab...," Vice and Victory on Facebook, February 4, 2017,
- 36"Vice and Victory Agency, LLC," BizStanding,
- 37Twitter post by Quarantined Life on January 19, 2021,
- 38 a b Zachary Petrizzo, "This Trumpworld operative obsessed with Kamala Harris’ background has a past he doesn’t want you to see," Daily Dot, August 20, 2020,
- 39Twitter post by Quarantined Life on January 19, 2021,
- 40Jane Mayer, “Is Ginni Thomas a Threat to the Supreme Court?,” The New Yorker, January 21, 2022,
- 41 a b Danny Hakim and Jo Becker, “The Long Crusade of Clarence and Ginni Thomas,” The New York Times, February 22, 2022,
- 42 a b David Corn, "Inside Groundswell: Read the Memos of the New Right-Wing Strategy Group Planning a '30 Front War,'" Mother Jones, July 25, 2013,
- 43Twitter post by William Turton, January 11, 2021,
- 44"The Blogger Awards Nominees of 2014," Blog Bash, February 17, 2014,
- 45Roger Sollenberger, "How two friends' farcical, failed schemes ended with the biggest fail of all: Stop the Steal," Salon, January 19, 2021,
- 46 a b c Lamar White Jr., "Theater of the Absurd: How A Louisiana Extremist Helped the Trump Campaign Manufacture Outrage," Bayou Brief, November 8, 2020,
- 47Ben Schreckinger, "Trump’s Culture Warriors Go Home," Politico, November/December, 2018,
- 48Facebook post by Vice and Victory, November 2, 2015,
- 49Facebook post on January 16, 2020,
- 50Facebook post on January 21, 2016,
- 51Jared Holt, "GOP Operative Says He’s Building System to Dispatch Protesters Where Ballots Are Counted," Right Wing Watch, September 11, 2020,
- 52Facebook post by Vice and Victory, February 4, 2017,
- 53 a b Jared Holt, "‘New Right’ Activists Pivot Backwards, Share Laughs With ‘Unite The Right’ Demonstrator," Right Wing Watch, October 19, 2017,
- 54Kristin LaFratta, "After backlash of being seen carrying torch at Charlottesville rally, Massachusetts native Matt Colligan says he has left the United States," MassLive, January 7, 2019,
- 55Alan Zibel, "Catering to Conflicts: Influence and Self-Dealing at Trump’s Businesses," Public Citizen, November 11, 2019,
- 56Twitter post by Quarantined Life, January 17, 2021,
- 57Charlie Nash, "Political Operative Ali Akbar Meets Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to Discuss Conservatives on Platform," Breitbart, February 15, 2018,
- 58Jacob Shamsian, "Jacob Wohl may have reported a death threat to the police that he faked himself," Insider, March 13, 2019,
- 59Will Sommer, "Jacob Wohl Faked Death Threats Against Himself," Daily Beast, May 8, 2019,
- 60Maria C. Baca, "Who was who at Trump’s social media summit," The Washington Post, July 12, 2019,
- 61Peter Wade, "Kamala Harris and Joe Biden Are the Latest Targets of Disinformation Campaigns," Rolling Stone, June 29, 2019,
- 62Paul Farhi, "After Trump’s ‘social-media summit,’ it’s business as usual for his online provocateurs," The Washington Post, August 10, 2019,
- 63 a b c d Will Sommer, "‘Stop the Steal’ Organizer in Hiding After Denying Blame for Riot," Daily Beast, January 10, 2021,
- 64Twitter post by @TeamKanyeDaily, January 12, 2020,
- 65Andrew Meyer, "Ali Alexander Launches Masterclass in Persuasion and Influence," Culttture, January 2020,
- 66"A Primer to Persuasion and Influence," Ali Alexander, archived copy from January 7, 2021,
- 67Erin Burnett, “Massive election disinformation campaign connected to Roger Stone,” CNN, November 14, 2020,
- 68Andy Kroll, "'We Merely Need to Dampen Turnout': Leaked Docs Show Top Trump Allies’ 2016 Plan to Suppress Black Voters," Rolling Stone, October 28, 2020,
- 69Lachlan Markay and Will Sommer, "Roger Stone-Tied Group Threatens GOP: If Trump Goes Down, So Does Your Senate Majority," The Daily Beast, November 24, 2020,
- 70Nicole Karlis, "Inside "Stop the Steal": How right-wingers are organizing to spread baseless claims of voter fraud," Salon, November 6, 2020,
- 71Tim Marcin, "Facebook removes 'Stop the Steal' group rapidly spreading election conspiracies," Mashable, November 5, 2020,
- 72Ali Breland, "Meet the Right-Wing Trolls Behind 'Stop The Steal,'" Mother Jones, November 7, 2020,
- 73Archived copy of's record,
- 74Archived copy of the from November 4, 2020,
- 75Archived copy of Ali Alexander's donation page,
- 76Emel Akan, "Trump Supporters Rally in Washington to Protest Vote Fraud, Media," The Epoch Times, November 14, 2020,
- 77William Breddermann and Will Sommer, "The 1st Amendment Praetorian group has become an on-call security and intelligence team for the most extreme and esoteric of Trumpists," Daily Beast, June 10, 2021,
- 78"1AP - Million MAGA March DC - A Call to Action," Robert Patrick Lewis on YouTube, November 15, 2020,
- 79Twitter post by @ali on November 29, 2020,
- 80Sophie Lewis, "Arizona Republican Party asks followers if they're willing to die to overturn election results," CBS News, December 10, 2020,
- 81Search results for Ali Alexander on NTD, Archived copy:
- 82Jemima McEvoy, "Capitol Attack Was Planned Openly Online For Weeks—Police Still Weren’t Ready," Forbes, January 7, 2021,
- 83Twitter post by @alialexanderorg, December 26, 2020,
- 84Seth Abramson, "NEW: Previously Unreported Insurrection Eve Video Confirms Stop the Steal Plot to Occupy the United States Capitol Long-Term Beginning on January 6," Proof on Substack, December 11, 2021,
- 85"Save the Republic: Ali Alexander," Moms for America on Rumble, January 29, 2021,
- 86Seth Abramson, "BREAKING: Major Update on January 5 Trump War Council Expands Its Potential Size Significantly," Seth Abramson on Substack, February 7, 2021,
- 87Dan Barry and Sheera Frenkel, "‘Be There. Will Be Wild!’: Trump All but Circled the Date," The New York Times, January 6, 2021,
- 88Rory Carroll, "Baked Alaska, the QAnon Shaman … who led the storming of the Capitol?" The Guardian, January 7, 2021,
- 89Alexander Panetta, "Twitter ban on Trump signals escalating debate on online speech that will be one for the ages," CBC, January 9, 2021,
- 90Teo Armus, "A ‘Stop the Steal’ organizer, now banned by Twitter, said three GOP lawmakers helped plan his D.C. rally," The Washington Post, January 13, 2021,
- 91Joseph Tanfani, Michael Berens and Ned Parker, "How Trump’s pied pipers rallied a faithful mob to the Capitol," Reuters, January 12, 2021,
- 92Tom McKay, "Here Are All the Trump Sycophants Who Got Banned From Social Media After the Capitol Riot," Gizmodo, January 12, 2021,
- 93"Catholic — Exclusive Interview: Ali Alexander, Leader of Stop the Steal," Church Militant on YouTube, January 12, 2021,
- 94Twitter post by Jared Pushner, February 11, 2021,
- 95Ali Alexander on Telegram,
- 96Telegram post by Ali Alexander, June 12, 2021,
- 97 a b Mikael Thalen, "After the Capitol riot, ‘Stop the Steal’ organizer Ali Alexander was scrambling to hide his digital footprint," Daily Dot, September 20, 2021,
- 98"Select Committee Issues Subpoenas Related to January 6th Stop the Steal Rally at U.S. Capitol," Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the Capitol, October 7, 2021,
- 99Telegram post by Ali Alexander, November 27, 2021,
- 100Kristen Doerer, "Ali Alexander Asks Jan. 6 Select Committee to Suspend Reality," Right Wing Watch, December 10, 2021,
- 101Alan Feuer and Luke Broadwater, "Rally Planner With Ties to G.O.P. Is Cooperating in Jan. 6 Inquiry," The New York Times, December 8, 2021,
- 102Zachary Petrizzo, "Jan. 6 Organizer Ali Alexander Served With Lawsuit After Eight-Hour Deposition," Daily Beast, December 9, 2021,