This document is an excerpt from Boris Brasol's FBI file, consisting in a clipping from the following publication:
"The Brown Netwoork, the Activities of the Nazis in Foreign Countries." Introduction by the Earl of Listowell (1936 - Knight Publications, Inc. N.Y.), pp. 231-3.
The full FBI file on Boris Brasol is available here:
Tsarist Russians and Nazi Germany
(Note - The Tsarist Russians are also known as White Russians to distinguish them from the ”Red” Soviet Russians)
In Germany the management of anti-Soviet activity is in the hands of the so-called Baltic Komitadjis. At their head is Alfred Rosenberg. They have organized an army of anti-Soviet White Guard agents through their Baltic and White Russian contact men. This network of White Guard organizations which forms the nucleus of Nazi activity against the Soviet Union extends around tho whole world, the U.S. included.
In the Spring of 1933 Rosenberg sent his agents to Paris, then, the center of the White Guard emigres, to iron out friction between the various White Russians groups and unite them in common action under Nazi leadership, later, these agents also appeared among the White Russian groups in the U.S., Great Britain, Hungary, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia on the same mission.
Rosenberg’s efforts were ardently supported by the Berlin White Guard leader Prince [Sergei] Obolenski, who in the Berlin Russian paper, Novoye Slovo, said late in 1933:
"The Russian emigres must firmly oppose the atrocity propaganda against the new National Socialist Germany. National Socialism is the only faithful ally of the Russian emigres.”
His slogan was "With Nationalist Germany for a New Russia!”
In the Winter of 1934, the White Guard leaders held a conference in Berlin, Besides Obolenski, there was [Pavel] Bermondt-Avalov, the military organizer and A. A. Vonsiatsky, leader of tide Nazi White Guard movement and a member of Bermondt-Avalov’s former staff. At this meeting the unification of the White Guard organizations under Nazi leadership was completed and strategy for war against the Soviet Union was mapped out....
Bermondt-Avalov was the military organizer of Rosenberg's White Russian troops, but the political brains was A. A. Vonsiatsky. One of the earliest emigres, Vonsiatsky lived for a long time in Paris, where he was married to an American millionairess, then in Berlin, whence he made a series of trips covering almost the whole world. Even before Hitler's seizure of power, he founded the pan-Russian Fascist Movement which he transformed at the beginning of 1933 into the All-Russian National Socialist labor Party. Vonsiatsky conceives of preparation for war against the Soviet Union as his sole duty. After Hitler's seizure of power, he announced to his adherents:
"War is coining toward us with great steps, the first gusts of its storm can already be felt over a sleeping Europe, chloroformed in its folly. "
Vonsiatsky ran a newspaper in Berlin, "The Fascist." From abroad, Vonsiatsky prepares acts of violence and sabotage against the Soviet Union. In 1934, three of his agents were arrested and sentenced to death in Leningrad.
In the spring and summer of 1934 news reached Europe of deadly attacks on members of the Manchukuan Government and of border violations by the Red army; there were reports of Japanese air attacks on the Soviet Maritime provinces. The source of these inventions was Berlin. On an understanding with Rosenberg and Goebbels, Vonsiatsky engineered these false reports in the hope of creating new tension between the Soviet Union and Japan. The reports were sent from Harbin. Closer investigation proved that Goebbels and Rosenberg had directed a pert of the network for falsifying news by way of Riga to Harbin. The first unfounded reports had hardly been put into circulation before Vonsiatsky set out on a propaganda tour. He went first to the U.S, and from San Francisco sailed to Tokyo, where in May, 1934, he held several conversations with Japanese military men and some of his own agents. His route then took him to Shanghai, a center of White Russian emigres, and Dairen, where he conferred at length with the White Russian, Semenoff, once the cruelest butcher in all Kolchak’s armies. The last stop in Vonsiatsky’s journey was Harbin, where White Guard troops are concentrated in tens of thousands.
Here he conferred with the Secretary-General of the White Guardist All-Russian Movement, and witnessed a parade of the All-Russian members, who marched before him in black shirts with swastika arm-bands.
In Manchukuo, Vonsiatsky controls in addition to his own formations, the Union of Young Fascists, the Cossacks of the Far East, the legitimist Monarchists and the Union of Musketeers. These organizations have a membership of about 30,000.
What was the object of this trip? Vonsiatsky explained it frankly to a representative of the English Reuter’s News Service in May 1934. He declared that fifty million dollars was at his disposal for bis "work" in Manchukuo; for the rest, be depended on an intervention shortly in the Soviet Union; he had traveled in great haste to the Far East in order to devote all his skill to making the outbreak of the war against the Soviets of advantage to the "national subjects” of Russia.
In the summer of 1934, Vonsiatsky was back in Berlin to make his report. As the result of an understanding with Goebbels and the Baltic Komitadjis, it was decided that he should make a non propaganda tour, this time to Paris, Budapest, Sofia and Belgrade. Except for Paris, it was exactly the same route Goering took nine months later.